Getting down dog uncomfortable

Yoga. Yoga yoga yoga.

It is amazing how uncomfortable the body can feel when doing something it is not used to or something which requires a different perspective.

I don’t like yoga, or should I say, I am beginning to like yoga. As a Pilates fanatic, yoga is something completely different. It requires my body to do things that it is not comfortable doing. Challenging the comfort zone as I like to call it, trusting my body to move,  and letting go of the fear.

Today, in class, we were asked to give ourselves an intention, it didn’t need to be anything hectic, just something that you wanted from your session. For me, it was to move with ease. For with Yoga, I don’t move with ease. In Pilates I move with ease, granted it has taken me a good few years to get to this point whereby I move with ease in Pilates. When I first started, I felt exactly the same way I now feel about Yoga. Uncomfortable.

I find that Yoga is about finding the balance between mind, muscles and bones. It is about finding balance. It is about finding your breath in a pose no matter how uncomfortable it may be. It is about finding your inner strength and trusting it. It is about trusting your body and letting go of the fear. This morning while I was having an internal debate about why I didn’t want to do Yoga today, the one thing which popped out at me was just how uncomfortable it was for me.  Turns out this is normal! And why wouldn’t it be? Twisting, turning, breathing, holding the body and ALLOWING it do what it can do is uncomfortable. Especially when we like to cling to what we know.

Moving the body is an incredible experience of letting go of our expectations of ourselves. Letting go of ‘getting it right’ and just ALLOWING ourselves to move, and to move with ease. This can be brought into our daily lives in everything we do and how we are. Yoga may not be comfortable at the moment but it gets me moving out of my comfort zone, challenges me and gets me doing things, that at just 3 years away from 40, I never ever thought I would do. And THIS is an incredible experience.

Come and try Yoga for yourself on Tuesday mornings at 9.15 with our fabulous Yoga teacher who brings in the fundamentals of Pilates to her classes. Come with an open mind, You may be challenged, but you won’t be disappointed.

And for the month of June,we will be having a Winter Special where it will only cost you R65 per class!

To book your class email

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