High fat, Low fat, no fat…

Eating these days is a bit like manoeuvring through a mine field.

Eat meat, don’t eat meat, vegan is best, no its not, Paleo, don’t drink milk, drink full fat milk, the list is endless! I have never been a great meat eater, neither have I been a great vegetable eater, I don’t really like milk and I eat high fat. I don’t eat white carbs (for the most part, but offer me a slice of crusty white loaf with a bowl of soup, I won’t say no, offer me a white chocolate easter egg before Easter, I most certainly won’t say no) and I do eat grains. Lentils, chickpeas, quinoa.

So, why am I writing about food choices?

After watching The Cereal Killers Feature length documentary, about one man’s attempt to hack his genes and drop dead healthy by turning the food pyramid on its head, Donal ditches wheat and sugar in a food plan consisting of 70% fat – under the guidance of legendary South African Sports Scientist Prof. Tim Noakes, I was amazed at how the body seemed to prefer a high fat diet. Now, I know, and really have known for a long time, that sugar and carbs are unhealthy, really anyone can see how they are not good for you if you just look at the side effects of too much of either or both. They are eaten in this house hold but on a restricted basis. We don’t eat white bread, white sugar, white rice or potatoes(only on occasion as my dad likes them) but chocolate definitely. I try for dark mostly, but sometimes I eat milk chocolate. Lindt usually;-)

cereal killers

So, deciding to try the High Fat Low Carb way of eating was not changing too much of my eating lifestyle just adding in more good high fats and less sugar, and less wheat but considering that I don’t eat a huge amount of wheat generally, again, this wasn’t changing much. But I decided to try it out following it quite strictly.

The reason why I decided to try it, was because one morning I went out with a friend for breakfast and ended up choosing an omelette with bacon, camembert cheese and rocket. This meal, which was eaten at around 9am kept me going until 4pm that afternoon. I was full, sated and had energy. I didn’t feel the need to snack. I didn’t crave a sugar fix. Until around 4pm when suddenly I was ravenous! Luckily dinner was close to hand so I didn’t need to then stuff my face full of nonsense but I was truly amazed at how one meal had got me through the day. That was when I decided to up the good high fats and remove the bad carbs.

For two weeks I ate like that and could feel a difference in my energy levels, I definitely noticed a loosening in my jeans and I wasn’t craving sugar until the hormones hit(and that was the only sign that I knew the hormones had hit, the other normal signs were non existent – I usually suffer with tender breasts and achy body parts before I am due on) Then I became aware of the abundance of white chocolate Easter eggs in all the stores and I cannot resist a white chocolate egg. And there began a love affair for 2 weeks. So, the attempt at being strictly High Fat , NO sugar, abandoned me.

I am now starting it again, BUT I am still eating good carbs. Lentil salads, Chickpeas and tuna salad, Quinoa and chicken salad together with some meat but more high fat. Too much meat does not work for me, I have more energy when I eat a mixed diet and I drink freshly juiced juice most days. So, what works for me is adding in the extra good fats, but keeping the grains. Veggies and some fruits. This may change but for now, this is how my body wants to eat after picking my way through this minefield of food information.

Knowing that the body requires omegas for healthy joint function and less painful menstrual cycles, I do believe that eating more good fats has aided in my bodies hormonal changes, because for the last two cycles, I have not known that any thing was about to happen due to the lack of pain which normally accompanies it.


Now, that I have told you a bit about my eating habits, what I find the most interesting about the HFLC way of eating is how resistant people are to listen or to try it out. I  understand why they are. It is turning the food pyramid on its head, its asking us to accept something which we have been told is VERY BAD for you. Its asking for  a mind leap of faith, on one mans journey and asking us to believe that we have been lied to for decades. But the proof is there. If you look, you will find it.

One thing that I do want to say about eating this way, with eating more meat, more dairy, more fat, is to find good sustainable sources. You don’t want to eat this way only to find out that you have a disease because of the high level of hormones in your meat. Free range, grass fed, organic, eating this way does require funds, these types of food are not cheap but that is our fault as a human race. For demanding more food, more cheaply, for asking for quick meals that don’t require a huge amount of effort to prepare, for falling for the sugar lie. It is time to change the way we think about food. Time to become aware of our food sources.Become more self sustainable, even if its growing your own tomatoes. It turns out a little cheaper in the long run too…

I believe in balance, I cannot only eat meat and fat, it is not what my body wants to eat, throw in some healthy grains with a little meat more green veggies and a fair amount more fat, that I can do. But as it says in the name it is LOW  carb, not NO carb. It is also Not only a high protein diet. it is more about the good fats, not about the meat. As for sugar, I know that I will never NOT ever eat it, but in serious moderation. No more love affairs with white chocolate eggs, rather organic dark chocolate(Until Easter that is…;-)

So, my suggestion to you, is to try it, see and feel the benefits of eating High Fat and then make your decision. Don’t take what you see and hear as the right way, experiment with your own body and find your way of eating that MOST  benefits YOU. Just know that what we took as the ‘truth’ about carbs just a few short years ago, is definitely being turned on its head.

And yes, by writing this, I may be inviting people to tell me that I am wrong, and that is fine, one is entitled to ones opinion but this is what works for me.

Some more reading:

The Diet Delusion – Gary Taubes ( I am still yet to read this but is on my TBR list)

The Real Meal Revolution – Tim Noakes

The Primal Blueprint – Mark Sisson

Mark’s Daily Apple

On Tim Noakes and Bullsh**

I am sure there is a wealth of information on the net, but these are just  a few that I have found that you may be interested in reading:-)

So, whats YOUR experience? And if you have any articles or books that you recommend, please let us know:-)