Movement Matters

Most of us don’t think about moving, we just do.

We walk, run, play, cycle, swim and climb without worrying about wether we can or not, because we expect our bodies to be able to do what we ask of it. Children move with more ease than adults, they don’t usually feel aches and pains quite like adults do and if they are given the positivity to try things, they are usually a little more fearless than we are.

Children mirror our behaviour, if they see us sitting in front of the telly, or computer, they are most likely going to want to follow our lead. If however, we are active, participate in sports, do regular exercise and challenge our own perceptions of movement, they will do the same. I see it in my daughter and it fills my heart with glee, to know that she is moving her body. Feeling how her body works, I do believe that one can build self confidence by having body confidence, and by that, I don’t mean outer beauty. It is an innate feeling of being ABLE, of standing tall and of being CONFIDENT which is vital for children and teens growing up.

If we keep them moving, we keep them growing, we keep them experiencing and we keep them feeling. I hope, that this then filters through as they grow older, as they become adults and life becomes more demanding and more stressful to know that, life is not ONLY about work and stress. That life is NOT about being sedentary.

I think our bodies crave movement, our muscles long to work and our brains enjoy the challenge of trying something new or mastering an art in a particular body of movement.

I discovered all of this rather late in life, but luckily not so late as to not do anything about it.  I teach and actively do Pilates, I have recently started Yoga, I thoroughly enjoy a good Kettle bell session and aerial silks are just the bomb! But 7 years ago, the most you would of seen of me in any sort of exercise front was walking. (Though, I have always enjoyed a good mountain hike…)

And I Love Moving my body! The challenges I face in certain exercises, the fear that emerges in others, I wouldn’t change any of it. It has become as imperative to me as breathing and I try to get that passion and love of moving the human body across to others when I teach. To give my clients the freedom to ALLOW themselves to move, to TRUST in the bodies innate ability and to LOVE themselves just a little bit more WITHOUT judgment.

Check out this video of my littlies doing movement and feel inspired, at any age, to get yourself moving!